Services Virtual ATC connection

Virtual or cloud ATC (IP-telephony) is a modern system for working with calls.  It does not require expensive equipment or laying special wires as classic telephone exchanges.  All it needs is the Internet .  There is a number of significant advantages in IP-telephony

 ● using  multi  channel numbers.

 ● creating   phone numbers of  different countries

Your work location does not matter anymore. All information  and conversation will be saved on one virtual cloud.

 ● calls dividing  among  managers depending on the load.  This will allow every client to get in touch with you  as quickly as possible.

 ● Notification of missed calls and calls after hours.  With IP telephony your managers will not lose a single request.

 ● recording and analytics of all calls 

 ● Voice mail service.

 ● Setting up  Call-Tracking for tracking  sources.

 ● possibility of integration with amoCRM for maximum company effectiveness 

 For   implementing and starting  working with cloud-bases ATC you need very little - to call  GPartner and we will install IP-telephony for your company and will show how to use all it”s capabilities.
